Florida STARTALK for Teachers of Chinese

June 4-21, 2014

Gainesville, FL

General Information

STARTALK 2014 for Teachers of Chinese Language, K-16 Wednesday, June 4th - Saturday June 21st 

star talk logo

The University of Florida will hold its 6th annual intensive training program, with an online follow-up in Fall 2014, for up to 15 K-16 teachers of Chinese. This residential program on the university campus is open to currently practicing teachers as well as prospective teachers from anywhere in the United States.


Online: WED, June 4th - Fri, June 13th

Check-in: SUN, June 15th, Keys Complex

Orientation: SUN, June 15th, 4-6 pm, Keys Complex Common Room

Class: MON, June 16th - FRI, June 20th

Final class and graduation: SAT, June 21st, 9-2pm


Participant Commitment:
  • Complete an intensive seminar, - "Learning Center Approach in Foreign Language Instruction." 
  • Participate in the teaching practicum.
  • Develop lessons and activities for your K-16 class as part of a teacher team.
  • Participate in a fall bi-weekly professional development online to share your teaching strategies.
How to Apply:
Send us your one-page resume, a letter of interest, a letter of recommendation from your administrator, and the application form. If you are an alumni please attach the alumni application form, if you are a first time applicant plese attach the first time applicant form.
Credit Information:
Participants will be registered for one UF graduate course: EDG6931 "Learning Center Approach in Foreign Language Instruction" (2 credits) including hands-on instruction in Chinese holidays, arts, song, dance, and food.  The graduate course meets the Florida State Board of Education requirements for certification in the teaching of foreign languages, and may be used for in-service credit or for degree credit.
Payment Information:
STARTALK covers the cost of tuition, lodging, lunch , and supplies. You may apply to be reimbursed for travel expenses for up to $200.00.
Please register online by clicking the blue "register online" button at the top of this page.
Cancellation Policy:
Please contact Patricia Jacobs if you need to cancel for any reason.  patrjac@ufl.edu 
Housing Information:
Housing will be in Keys Complex same-sex 4-person apartments that have four bedrooms/baths and a common kitchen-living area. Linens (sheets and towels) will be provided but participants may want to bring a plate/bowl/glass/cup and some simple cookware. There are grocery stores and an on campus dining hall nearby. 
Meeting Location and Transportation Information:
The STARTALK program will be held at the University Of Florida College Of Education, Norman Hall in the Terrace Room. There is a parking garage next to Norman Hall but available spaces will be limited, so carpool to Norman and arrive early (it's about a 20-minute walk from Keys). A parking decal will be required for all cars parked on campus and will be covered by the grant.  You must have your parking decal visible in your car at all times. STARTALK can not reimburse participants for parking tickets if your car has been parked illegally. You can also park at the Reitz Union parking garage for a per day fee or contact the St. Augustine Church to find out about parking..
Important Note:
You must be a legal resident of the U.S. to participate in STARTALK. We will accept practicing teachers as well as “potential teachers” who are not yet employed but plan to enter the profession by 2015.
More Information:
For more information, contact Patricia Jacobs, Director, STARTALK 2014 at patrjac@ufl.edu.
STARTALK isfunded by National Security Agency, operated by the National Foreign Language Center.