
18th International Symposium for the Interaction of Munitions with Structures

Oct. 21-25, 2019

Full Paper and Abstract Guidelines and Topics




EXTENDED to May 1, 2019 Deadline for Abstracts 

EXTENDED to May 19, 2019 Presenter Notification

EXTENDED to September 2, 2019 Papers Due






Click HERE to access the Abstract template. Please use this template for your abstract and submit your file as a Microsoft Word document.


• Abstracts must be submitted in Microsoft Word format (.doc) using the abstract template.

• Abstracts must also include authors’ affiliations and address of the lead author.

• Each presentation will have a time limit of 20 minutes which includes a discussion period of about 5 minutes.



Click HERE to access the Full Paper template. Please use this template for your paper and submit your file as a Microsoft Word document.

Please only submit a paper if you were notified that your abstract was accepted. 


• Papers must be submitted in Microsoft Word format (.doc) using the full paper template

• Papers should be submitted to the ISIEMS website on the “Full Paper Submission” page

• Please do not submit your paper more than once. If you are concerned your paper submission didn't go through, please email Erin Dinkel at edinkel@dce.ufl.edu.

• Abstracts must also include authors’ affiliations and address of the lead author.

• Papers will be presented in not more than two parallel sessions at a time.

• Each presentation will have a time limit of 20 minutes which includes a discussion period of about 5 minutes.


Environments from weapon effects
- Blast, shock, and impact environments
- Shock propagation behavior in air or solid media
- Blast phenomena in tunnels

Impact and penetration
- Hypervelocity impact
- Phenomena of penetration: 
     - influence of shape,material, and energy
     - influence of target, type, and material

Techniques for mitigating weapons effects
- Shielding from blast, fragments, or penetrators
- Blast suppression

Materials response to short duration loading
- Traditional materials in protective construction
- Innovative materials for protective construction
- The effects of innovative materials on structural response

Structural response to explosion effects
- Above ground facilities
- Buried, or deeply-buried facilities
- External, or internal detonations
- Combined damage from blast and fragments
- Structural detailing for protective systems
- Structural response and/or failure models

Structure contents subjected to weapons effects
- Equipment damage/response
- Personnel injury
- Modeling/prediction of functional degradation

Progressive collapse considerations

Modeling of innovative payload effects

Experimental approaches for any of the below-noted topics
- Precision laboratory testing
- Field testing
- Instrumentation and data acquisition

Computational approaches for any of the below-noted topics
- Fast-running computational tools
- Advanced physics computational tools
- Code validation issues

Analytical or experimental techniques that did not work

Research in progress